The Lore Of RBLXLite

Once upon a time, there was a place called ROBLOXia. ROBLOXia was once a well developed nation. But one day, they started turning the wrong way. They removed Comic Sans from the website and game, introduced over the top realistic avatars, and stopped listening to the community. Then, a fraction of those ROBLOXians, the ORC, split off from them and started making new nations, like Finobe, Rhodum, Goodblox, Novetus, and other nations. One of these nations was RBLXLite, founded by TestUser, Creator, and NationOffDoritos360. They established their own rules, hats, communities, and teams. One day, hell broke loose. The forums, which were once the place of prosperity when the administrators came from the heavens to release them, broke out into hell. People from the unholy 9chan started posting racist slurs, and the administrators had to restrict these forums to prevent such disaster. The catalog was released, taking a top hat with it. Rumors say it was green when it came from the heavens, and its still the same green old hat. TestUser, sadly, was wiped out in this battle, and got sent to banland by accident. A small moment of grief occured, when more users started to establish themselves, like the deities ROBLOX and Snowfort. More and more categories were added into the catalog, and in a ultimate strike, Limiteds and Currencies. Inventories, memberships and even a CLIENT were added, along gifts, offsale items, a discord, and more. Prosperity once again flew through the land, with the hopes of a new era. Servers were finally released for a part, and more people moved to these other nations, expanding the ORC by a lot. Ultimately, RBLXLite began to establish theirselves, as they surpassed the sign of 25 users. People began visiting the website regularly.

A while later, the nation fell in despair for a short time in June 2 2021, as no changes were made or items were made. Creator once again came down from the heavens and rescued TestUser from Banland, making the large community that the RBLXLite nation once had prosper and rejoice again.


In celebration, TestUser had brought his trusty teapot with him, but because of such long exposure to the unholy Banland, it started glitching. It began duplicating for some time as someone else started taking every item that had limited copies. This person was Neko, and they were rejoiced by Creator, who was pleased to see someone being SO active for their nation. He was really positive on this friendship with other beings, that he ultimately helped guide the nation back on track.

In that time, despair happened, as the Finobe nation was completely OBLITERATED by the ROBLOX nation which had declared war on it, and pulled the ultimate Cease And Desist weapon, which was never able to be overpowered by any army from any nation.


Then, the forums were shot by a new, bigger and better moderated forum. RBLXLite was finally prospering. NostalgicMemoriess got accidentally deleted, and ultimately the new forum was growing at a alarming rate.


Nostalgic got unbanned after helping Creator sift out a underage kid, pardoning the ban that was made.


The forums were later shut down to be replaced by No one really minded.



[To be Updated]